Saturday, October 4, 2014

That's not me- is this identity theft?

Biking in the preserve the other day I concluded that biking changes who I am. Of course, all of our thoughts and beliefs, and especially our actions, contribute to make us the person we are. But certain things, biking for me, has such a big impact that I can make the bold statement: Biking changes my DNA ! I  understand that the millions and billions (pronounced milly-unz and billy-unz in honor of Carl Sagan) of my readers may say, "you have no scientific proof of this " ! , and they would be right. So you will either have to take this as unqualified reality based on faith, or conclude that I am a mindless twit. Your choice.

To further support my claim, please see the George Sheehan classic work "Running and Being", in which Dr. Sheehan more or less steals my theory stated above and runs with it, making lots of money and quite a reputation for himself. The fact that Sheehan wrote his book in the early 70's, long before I  had yet mastered multiplication tables is a minor point but should be noted. Sheehan observes that becoming a runner does provide  some people with a feeling of inclusion, as they are now part of the running "culture",  more easily finding their place or niche in the larger world. This new found acceptance is NOT what running provided for Sheehan, nor what changed him. It was exactly the opposite.  He found that the long periods of solitude, while exerting himself to the maximum, struggling with his ego and at times his own laziness, began to mold and change him.

Whether it is yoga, walking, running, biking, meditation, quilting, woodwork, blender drinks or coin collecting- be thankful you have a passion and do it - as often as possible. I personally prefer sports and other endeavors that make you sweat, as it reduces the effect of the Guinness Waistline Syndrome, but that is up to you.  As Joseph Campbell has taught us "follow your bliss !"

Garden Report- tomatoes were the veggy/fruit of choice this year, and they are still ripening on the vine. Basil withered mid summer due to its large parsley plant neighbor that horded all the sun. I gave both of them a stern "can't we all all just get along?" talking to.

Until next week/month/year/decade, Keep the Faith !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you are the best!!!