Saturday, January 24, 2009

Glutton for Punishment- That's Me

Hey there sports fans, I'm back. After my first post, I wondered if there would ever be a second. Sort of like how The Who, The Cars and Counting Crows felt after their debut albums. When you catch lightning in a bottle the first time, there is trepidation about ever living up to the initial glory. So like I just lied, I mean said, I was hesitant. But the overwhelming response from the readership (in my mind/dreams) convinced me that I must go on. So basically, like Frankie, I wanted as few regrets as possible, in the future. But, as Groucho often said "Ah, enough about me". Let me proceed to my newfound purpose, which is..... Oh shoot, now I've forgotten. Oh yeah, an analysis of the psychological state of the country.
1) For as long as I can remember (at least 24 hours), I have never seen a turnaround as far as hope and optimism.Of course, we humans (excluding George Bush's 7th grade English teacher) are optimistic by nature. Regardless, I am struck by the number of people who were truly calmed and encouraged by the inauguration. Although Obama was not my first choice among the original presidential candidates, I now believe that he was truly the best of the possible choices. His serious, yet relaxed, thoughtful, intelligent persona, seems to be exactly what we need. It says something about the depths of distrust that we have been driven to, over the past 8 years. If Obama had simply said, "we are in really bad shape, and I can't fix everything, but I do care about you and I won't lie to you", a large percentage of the country would have said "Wow what an improvement".But of course he promised a lot more, so let's see how he does.
2) #1 was so long and taxing, I think the psychology of the nation (at least those reading this blog) may have changed already. Damn, sorry Obama, didn't mean to undue 2 years of work in one painfully maudlin, presumptuous paragraph.

Ok on to more important items such as what my new occupation will be should I fall victim to the financial crisis and don't receive a bailout:
1) Insect Photographer: stupid you may say, but many phylum or genuses (what do these words mean?) Of insects have queens right? Bees, Ants, Termites. Maybe they have Kings too, and by extension Homecoming Queens and prom Kings and Queens. Most likely these miniature social events have never been filmed, until now by you know who.
2) Shoe department Juggler: yes I see much of my readership slapping their forehead, saying "How did I never think of this". Don't bother I already have the patent. Men go with their wives to the shoe department with good intentions, but after 20 minutes of boredom yearn for a distraction, anything, but there are none. Sadly this can lead to marital friction, harsh words, and even death in the case of particularly annoying shoe salesmen. An entertaining distraction is obviously needed. Inject a witty, talented multi-lingual juggler who has also worked as a prison guard and the whole dynamic changes.

My goodness, a thousand pardons I ask upon your wrinkled foreheads for taking up so much of your time.To think I was just looking for a momentary distraction, here in the Lord and Taylor shoe department. Next time: the spiritual value of nurturing basil plant seedlings.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hey I'm new to this blogging stuff so what do I know, I created a blog whose title is going to make people say "huh?". Wake up and smell the coffee is probably the proper term, but that is so boring and rooted in the past. Now Basil, that is perhaps the best smell in the universe, or at least on earth. Fresh, sweet, pure, alive. But before I start confusing people other than myself, I must qualify that I mean fresh basil leaves preferably still on the plant. Yes, you guessed it, each leaf is a perfect bit of cologne or perfume suitable for use when going to the movies, dinner or even a funeral/cremation. Maybe a bit too far there, but you get the picture. Enough, more on the Basil link later.

Despite being a supreme optimist, there are just so many "challenges" (sickening euphemism) that we face right now, this second.

1) It is cold! and that stifles lots of stuff, like blood flow, rational thought and outdoor activities (biking, walking, petty larceny, etc.) It also makes life miserable for birds (why are they not flying south anymore?) and stray cats (there's my plug for you Linda.)
2) Next atrocity (enough with the PC euphemisms) is that my Giants lost to the hated Eagles. Let's just leave it at that to avoid sobbing, foaming at the mouth and a middle age hissy fit on my part, which would not be pretty.
3) Just the general financial wreck and total lack of trust between the common man and financial institutions and government. Yes so many people out of work, but also the millionaire scammers (Madoff, CEO's, Politicians etc).

There I said it, and boy do I feel better, maybe. At any rate, someone please remind me about the multitude of good things that happen every day that we may take for granted. Too many to mention, but yeah you do need to wake up and smell the basil. Until the next post, which should happen, unless I re-read this and base continuing to blog on the quality of the first. Keep the Faith.