Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Impossible Blog

The big question is why? Why has it been 6 months since I last posted a word on this blog. Hmmm, let's find out by examining some valid and not so valid (lame) excuses.

Other Priorites: Yes this is usually the major reason that everyone uses. Work has been crazy. I've been working on the house. I had to get my pet ferret stuffed and while at the drive-through taxidermy shop I was taken hostage. I've spent the past 3 weekends at church praying for divine intervention to pay my mortgage. These are all valid and terrifically boring reasons but none apply. Bottom line it takes less than 30 minutes to create a decent post. That's giving up one episode of the Munsters, Antique Roadshows or The Office.

Apathy: Now we are getting somewhere, delving into the psyche for deeper meanings for the lack of literary output. If I knew the definition of apathy I would expand on this concept, but the bottom line is I don't care.
Still not a good reason, as we all feel the need to bare our souls, regardless of the fact that most people wish we kept them covered. Search on.

Fear: We are certainly getting warmer. Fear of writers block. Fear of having nothing to say. Fear of revealing too much: "Honey I was only kidding, I did not drink a six pack of Guinness on the train ride to work yesterday morning". Fear that people will laugh at what we write. No wait, that's the whole purpose of my blog. Fear that nobody will read it. Bingo! Okay enough self examination, on to more excuses.

Memory Leak: As Steve Martin used to say "Hey, I forgot!" This is not as silly as it sounds. I can honestly say I do go weeks at a time without thinking of blogging. I also go weeks at a time without thinking of taking a shower. Luckily Linda reminds me. If I could only figure out a way to blog in the shower.

Altruism: Yes it is true that I care more about others than myself, except in situations where there is one slice left and I am still hungry. But seriously, the premise of blogging assumes that one writes so that one's friends and family will be obligated, I mean delighted, to read your material. Lack of blogging assures that loved ones are not subject to the often boring, occassionally hideous drivel that may cause them to nap or worse yet jump from a bridge. Great, now I will be up all night wondering if my blog has relieved insomnia or caused a delay on the Williamsburg.

Given that this post is about posting, I think it qualifies as a meta-post. I promise the next post will be more about life, death and enlightenment. And it will be soon. As long as I don't forget.

Keep The Faith

1 comment:

klroti said...

Dad, usually I think your blog posts are lame. This one was lame, but also entertaining. You're getting there.