Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Keep Those Tweets Coming !

Misrepresentation of the Highest order: Oh I'm sorry, did I mislead you? About what? Oh, no that is not referring to twitter. Mein Gott im himmel no! Riding through the preserve the other day I was struck by the amazing array of unique birds flying by, chillin on branches, and "tweeting" to me as I sped past. These are truly the "tweets" that thrill me, keep me high, and make me LOL. BTW is the whole acronym AOL thing just totally passe' anymore? Do Russians still use KAOS (KGB Agent Over Shoulder) ? But anyway back to tweeting in the current sense, which does not make sense to me. Is the concept that any thought that you are thinking, the "internal dialogue" as Castaneda referred to it, must now be broadcast to the world? Will we eventually reach the point that a transmitter or firewire-ready connection is simply attached to our brain and the thoughts auto-magically flow to the internet, plasma monitor or other global sink of information?

I must say this twitter stuff can lead to conceit and self importance. Just reading that email that says my brother-in-law is requesting permission to receive my protected tweets fills me with power and a misguided feeling of purpose. And where can I find this "tweet protector"? Should I go to the pharmacy or perhaps a sporting goods store. Is it as nerdy as a "pocket protector"? Yes it is hard to know how far to go these days in communicating with your friends, family, business associates and kindergarten classmates. Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, Myspace, Skype. It makes me long for the days when Ralph Kramden would simply open the window and scream NORTON!. Now that was an instant message!

Lesson from Al: I think that Al was a bit overwhelmed with the Bike MS tour I did this past Sunday, as he was somewhat quiet and not his boastful, brash self. Perhaps it was the 5000 other bikes on display, many in the $1000-$3000 dollar range by my estimate. Yes there was even a gentleman on a racing bike that he had not only shined, but his tires obviously had been polished with Armor All. If I ever reach that point just shoot me, OK? The lesson I learned from Al during the tour was subtle, but reminded me to enjoy the journey, and never be too busy to appeciate the beauty of life, nature, and the wisdom that each moment brings. Although the tour was crowded and I could not bike as fast as I would have liked, especially given the fact that I had a broken spoke and wobbly back rim, the views of the Hudson and East rivers were spectacular. Harlem and Washington Heights are home to some of the most beautiful parks I have seen. I was shocked by the beauty of the day, and of the course.

My Word! When we say Magnificent, what do we mean? Probably the biggest hit on the new U2 cd, "Magnificent" is a term of ultimate quality, as in "The Magnificent 7", both a movie and a Clash song. I refuse to google or webster it, until I make as many absurd and innacurate assumptions about the word as possible. When quality of an entity is magnified, does it become magnificent? More in the next blog after some research on google,webster and Mad magazine.

The Withering Basil: Although it is October 6, it is still 60 degrees at times, so my basil is scrawny and weak, but still breathing. I have not picked any leaves lately, and will soon put the old sages out of their misery. Thank you my teachers, sleep peacefully. We will meet again come spring. The wisdom you have imparted will allow me to survive the challenges of the winter.

Peace and Fun to Everyone!

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