Saturday, January 17, 2009

Hey I'm new to this blogging stuff so what do I know, I created a blog whose title is going to make people say "huh?". Wake up and smell the coffee is probably the proper term, but that is so boring and rooted in the past. Now Basil, that is perhaps the best smell in the universe, or at least on earth. Fresh, sweet, pure, alive. But before I start confusing people other than myself, I must qualify that I mean fresh basil leaves preferably still on the plant. Yes, you guessed it, each leaf is a perfect bit of cologne or perfume suitable for use when going to the movies, dinner or even a funeral/cremation. Maybe a bit too far there, but you get the picture. Enough, more on the Basil link later.

Despite being a supreme optimist, there are just so many "challenges" (sickening euphemism) that we face right now, this second.

1) It is cold! and that stifles lots of stuff, like blood flow, rational thought and outdoor activities (biking, walking, petty larceny, etc.) It also makes life miserable for birds (why are they not flying south anymore?) and stray cats (there's my plug for you Linda.)
2) Next atrocity (enough with the PC euphemisms) is that my Giants lost to the hated Eagles. Let's just leave it at that to avoid sobbing, foaming at the mouth and a middle age hissy fit on my part, which would not be pretty.
3) Just the general financial wreck and total lack of trust between the common man and financial institutions and government. Yes so many people out of work, but also the millionaire scammers (Madoff, CEO's, Politicians etc).

There I said it, and boy do I feel better, maybe. At any rate, someone please remind me about the multitude of good things that happen every day that we may take for granted. Too many to mention, but yeah you do need to wake up and smell the basil. Until the next post, which should happen, unless I re-read this and base continuing to blog on the quality of the first. Keep the Faith.

1 comment:

klroti said...

good thing one: President Obama.

good thing two: your first trip to Europe

good thing three: dollar to pound exchange rate = 1.37

good thing four: i told grandma and grandpa your blog address